Imagen del Comité de Sostenibilidad de RIU 18 April, 2024

Meet our Sustainability Committee!

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This year at RIU Hotels & Resorts we presented our new Sustainability strategy: Proudly Committed. We are very proud to share with you all the actions we are implementing and, after asking you on LinkedIn which of the four key areas you would like to know more about, the winner was Essence and People. In this area, training is the...

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Imagen creativa de la web espacial 4 April, 2024

All about the spatial web: questions and answers to understand it better

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With the launch of the Meta Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro earlier this year, the spatial web is once again a hot topic attracting the attention of many people. From technology enthusiasts to entrepreneurs and curious onlookers in general, immersive or mixed reality experiences offer a virtual universe full of possibilities for everyone. But what exactly is the spatial...

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27 March, 2024

Cape Verde celebrates female talent!

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Today is a very special day for our Cape Verdean colleagues on the island of Sal and Boa Vista. Every March 27, the African country commemorates Cape Verdean Women‘s day, when the important and necessary contribution women make to society and areas such as politics, culture, economy and education is highlighted. They play a fundamental role. Today several events are...

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