This is how Proudly Committed was made
22 February, 2024Proudly Committed! These are probably the two words we have all been saying most in recent weeks. Yes! Our new Sustainability strategy that is here to stay and become part of our philosophy. As you know, it puts sustainability at the heart of all the decisions made by RIU Hotels & Resorts. Although, if you have known us for a long time, you will know that it has always been part of our focus, just now it is even more so!
Today we want to explain everything and show you how we have developed this new approach that we are all going to be involved in, including you!
Where did Proudly Committed come from?
Last year we undertook serious internal reflection. We thought about the future of the hotel industry and the impact it has on the community, the environment and its employees. As a result of this rethink, we have decided to embark on a transformation process that will put sustainability at the heart of everything. To what end? We want the impact of our activity to be as positive as possible for the society in which we operate as well as for the local ecosystems.

Catalina Alemany, CSR Director during the internal presentation of Proudly Committed to RIU managers in Playa de Palma.
But this would not have been possible without involving RIU’s highest governing body in the decision making process: its Board of Directors. But it has also been necessary to set up a Sustainability Committee made up of professionals from different key areas within the company. They will be in charge of working on each area and monitoring them to ensure that the objectives are met.
What does RIU’s new strategy mean?
You’ve probably asked yourself why “Proudly Committed”? As well as being the name of the new strategy, it is the name of the communication campaign that has been enthusiastically created to present this great project. We wanted it to be something special, something that would leave its mark and touch everyone. These two words represent our commitment to doing things right, delivering what we say we will, and doing it with pride.
Find out all about RIU’s new strategy:
What was the communication process like?
Now yes! It’s time to tell you about the big launch of Proudly Committed. Everything that has happened behind closed doors. It’s been carried out in several phases and it’s been a very enjoyable process to which everyone has given their all. Our goal has always been that all our colleagues at RIU should know about the campaign before anyone else. To be able to deliver something, you have to really understand it and believe in it. That is why, over the last few months, we have all made this strategy our own, and why it has been presented internally before being released to the world.
1. Presentation to managers
The first step was to transmit and present the campaign to the managers of the chain, who were invited to two big events in which every detail was taken care of!
The first was held on 9 November at the hotel Riu Playa Park, Playa de Palma, where the RIU headquarters are located. The event was attended by more than 100 colleagues and all the members of the Riu family: Carmen Riu, Luis Riu, Joan Trian, Lola Trian, Luis Riu Rodríguez, Naomi Riu and Roberto Riu. Carmen Riu emotionally recalled how her father, Luis Riu Bertrán, used to talk about caring for the environment and local culture, as well as the responsibility of employers towards their workers and neighbours. A visionary who in the 1980s was already promoting values that are more relevant today than ever. It was here that the video introducing Proudly Committed was played for the first time. It was also the first time that the content and form of this strategy, which is going to change everything and everyone, was presented.
It was a wonderful and stimulating day. It was full of reunions between colleagues from very different destinations, united this time by Sustainability.
This event was followed by the one held in Mexico on 16 November, at the Riu Palace las Americas hotel, attended by approximately 50 people together with Carmen Riu and Lola Trian.
2. Presentation to employees
After these two major events, each manager was tasked with communicating the message and the campaign to their teams. The goal? To make the whole company aware of this new approach, as it will be a task for everyone. To this end, a communication kit was distributed, which they could use as a basis to powerfully convey the new goal.
3. Proudly Committed sees the light
Finally! At the beginning of this year, it was time to unveil this new strategy that we were all eager for you to know about. On 5 February it was official! Proudly Committed was everywhere! Undoubtedly the undisputed star has been the now famous red screw that represents the different actions we carry out in each destination we operate in, representing that small piece that allows great things to happen. And you can be one too! Haven’t you seen it yet? Here is the video for you to watch!
For us it has been a very special journey. It is not just the name of our campaign, it reflects our philosophy, our future and above all our commitment. Thanks go out to all our colleagues for being part of this beautiful adventure and above all for contributing to it, because without the work of all the people who make up RIU Proudly Committed, it would just be two words with no real meaning. And of course, thanks to you, who are also part of this new direction we are proudly embarking on. Here’s to a sustainable future!