hotels in Riviera Maya

Seven days at the Riu Palace Riviera Maya: you’ll find lots to do

5 Sep 2017 ,

Seven days is plenty of time. According to Genesis, that’s how long it took God to create the world. It’s also how long you need to recover from the flu (a myth?) and the length of each phase of the lunar cycle. But leaving aside theories of creation, urban legends and astral knowledge, we can say without a doubt that...

We are helping to sponsor the First World Congress on Conservation of the Jaguar!

25 Oct 2016

Today we’re going to tell you something that we find especially exciting. If you’ve been following us, you know that at RIU we are committed to the environment, and, as we’ve told you on other occasions, we collaborate with various NGOs. This time, we’re going to talk to you about our work with the Mexican Wild Fauna Rescue and Rehabilitation...