Category: Luis Riu

Luis Riu, CEO of RIU Hotels & Resorts

Luis Riu, CEO of RIU Hotels & Resorts

RIU Hotels & Resorts is not only about hotels. There is a team of professionals behind it dedicated to creating experiences and unforgettable memories. And at the head of it all is Luis Riu, our CEO, directly responsible for the Expansion, Design, Construction and Marketing of all our hotels. His vision, instinct and passion is a source of inspiration to everybody working at RIU Hotels. That is why we are delighted to launch a new section in which he personally shares his personal thoughts, knowledge and plans. Are you with us?

Luis Riu, dueño de la cadena RIU Hotels, con su hija Naomi Riu 30 November, 2020

Luis Riu: “Today I am proud to introduce the woman in charge of Finance at RIU Hotels: my daughter Naomi”

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Naomi Riu, daughter of the CEO of RIU Hotels & Resorts, Luis Riu, is in charge of the Finance Department of the group. Luis Riu talks about Naomi Riu's professional career, both inside and outside the chain, and tells us about the teamwork with his daughter, to whom he must report back, as Head of Operations.

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18 August, 2020

Luis Riu: “Today I am paying tribute to Rafael Expósito, RIU’s longest-serving staff member who has been involved in almost all of the chain’s major milestones”

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Luis Riu, CEO of RIU Hotels & Resorts, and Rafael Expósito, the hotel chain's most senior employee, recalls the great little stories they've lived together over the past 45 years. Expósito began working at the Riu San Francisco Hotel and today is RIU's top manager in Mexico.

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